20 to the 22 of August 2021
Having a 3 days window of rather ok, not too cloudy, definitely no rain weather, my dad and I are off to do a little hike that we had on our minds.
Going to the Ténibre (3031m) on a big 3 days loop:
-Day 1: from the parking de Vens (1580m) we take the main path going to the Refuge de Vens (2370m), it is a real pleasure to see that we have a good rhythm, the differnet hikes from the previous weeks paying off and allowing us, even with our big packpack, to maintain +300m per hour. We stop at the refuge for a drink and a blueberry pie and then head off on a less travl track towards the Pas de Vens. We soon reach the first of those less frequented lakes and stop for lunch. The weather alternating between clouds and full sun, I time it well for a swim in this high altitude lake. So nice. We then keep going, up rocks and boulders to yet another lake before reaching the Pas de Vens (2796m). I do an extra little side hike, leaving my big back pack at our night camp, to reach the Cîme Borgonio (2930m) which offers amazing views of the surroundings, and of our tomorrow objective, the Mont Ténibre, shrouded in clouds that evening. I go down a different way to map down what would be our track the next morning, as from bellow it is not very evident. Joining my dad, we wait the day out and are join by a lonely walker who, just like us, had elected to pass the night in an old Italian casemate that offer shelter at the Pass.
-Day 2: I wake as the light start to shift from the pre dawn, the dark hues of the sky slowly filling with lighter shades. I ponder, and then get up, my dad still about asleep, and head again for the Cîme Borgonio (2930m), I reach it just in ti;me to see the sunrise. What a show! After enjoying the changing colors and welcoming the new day, I head back to our camp to join my dad. We pack and start our way to the Brèche Borgonio (2904m), having breakfast on the way, once we reach a spot in the sun. Amazing view on the Viso, before the Nébia hides it away. From the Brèche Borgonio, we head down to the Lacs du Ténibre (2550m), a beautiful spot to spend a night in peace. Then up an amazingly steep slope, and more boulders and rocks to the Ténibre (3031m). Amazing views all around, the Argentera, the Gélas, Cîme du Diable, Grand Capelet, Mounier… They are all visible. Only the Viso is now hidden away. Then, down the next valley to the Lac Chaffour (2650m), where I can resist another swim, we look for a welcoming spot for the night. The edges of the lakes are pretty nice, but a bit humid and a welcoming site for clouds of flying bugs. We look a tiny bit further up and end up spending the night under the stars (and the full moon) on a small grass patch.
-Day 3: from the Lac Chaffour (2650m) we aim for the Pas du Cormorant, we reach a point were both my dad and I feel like we have to stop. Everything around us is falling down. All rocks, from the tiny pebbles to the massive boulders are not anchored down and want to go down. Without helmet, with our big back packs, we feel it is safer to head back down. We have probably reach 2850m at this stage, only a tiny bit short to the pass and then the summit (later on, we would read that it used to be down on eternal snow… None of it remains). After a breakfast on a boulder in the sun, we go down to the Refuge de Rabuons for a snack, before starting the long way back to the car, along the Chemin de l’Energie, with a detour to the Lac du Fer (from 2350m to 2550m and back down to 2350m), as the track was damaged. No swim today, we are short on time, and the weather is turning. Strong wind and many clouds. A total of about 19kms that day, with about 1420m of down…
An amazing hike, I am already looking for the next one!
For the pictures (quite a few) click here.